Dumb ways to die (SCR Edition) Lyrics

Dumb ways to die (SCR Edition)

Resetting your character,
Signalling as an amateur,
Going out of the map,
Using your tricks to get into a cab.

Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die,
Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die.

Surfing on a train,
Trying to get on a StepAir plane,
Being SPAD'ed 3 times,
In Stepford City committing crimes. 

Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die,
Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die.

In the river being stuck,
Crashing into a bridge while you're driving a truck,
Driving a train, while you're AFK,
Dancing on the tracks while in a subway.

Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die,
Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die.

Being burned from Port Benton's flame,
Waiting till next version of the game,
Eating buffers, killing you,
I wonder what's does this red button do?

Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die,
Dumb ways to die,
So many dumb ways to die.

Swimming in winter when Llyn's seas are freezing,
Skipping West Benton for no good reason,
Standing on the edge of a train station platform,
Go without checking at the level crossing,
Run across the tracks between the platforms,
They may no rhyme but they're quite possibly.

The dumbest ways to die,
The dumbest ways to die,
The dumbest ways to die,
So many dumb ways,
So many dumb ways to die.

(Be safe around trains. Message from Stepford County Railway)


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